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The Health Center of the University shall be able to eradicate if not minimize the diseases in the school community by means of health promotion, disease prevention, thereby upholding the well being and prolonging the life of the populace we serve.

Primary Goal

To provide convenient access to primary and preventive care for students, faculty, and staff who might otherwise have limited or no access to health care.

Operating Policies

    1. The Health Center must be open to meet client’s needs for services.
    2. The center must function as an integral component of the school ‘s comprehensive health program and work cooperatively with other health sectors if deemed necessary.
    3. The issuance of a medical certificate is made after a health examination and upon payment of Php20.00 from the cashier’s office.
    4. Clientele for consultation and treatment both medical and dental services should comply the following:
      1. Identification card (original & photocopy)
      2. Vaccination card (original & photocopy)
      3. Certificate of Registration (for students; original & photocopy)
      4. Must observe dress code/school uniform
      5. Observe proper conduct
      6. Always wear a face mask.
    5. The medicines prescribed are given only for 2 days following its frequency of medication.
    6. Tooth extraction and oral prophylaxis should be conducted to each student once every semester.
    7. The medical certificate for absences should only be given if the client sought medical consultation & treatment from the health center.
    8. Two-way referral system and follow-up services are conducted to complicated cases.

Health Center Services


  1. Physical examination
  2. Routine consultation and treatment
  3. Laboratory screening services
  4. Education and training programs
  5. Referral and follow-up management to serious illnesses and emergencies


  1. Oral examination
  2. Routine consultation and treatment
  3. Tooth extraction
  4. Oral prophylaxis
  5. Referral management to complicated cases