Posted on by Niño Christian Babaran
Post Views: 33

Today, the Bachelor of Science in Food Technology(BSFT) has been awarded with Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) by none other than the CHED8 Regional Director himself, Dir. Maximo C. Aljibe.
The said award was received by the University President, Dr. Benjamin L. Pecayo, VP for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ramil S. Catamora, CAT Dean, Dr. Lorelie F. Tangaran, Board Secretary, Engr. Roy Montejo and faculty of the College, Mr. Fernando Gariando and Mr. Emerald Chavez.

The college is indebted to the hardworking Core Faculty of BSFT, Ms. Norfrelij Cuadra, the Program Chairperson, Ms. Nelissa Sudaria and Ms. Maria Joana Nicolas, and to all CAT faculty for their joint effort to make this possible.
Likewise, the CAT family would like to thanks the NwSSU Administration headed by Dr. Pecayo for their unwavering support and unceasing encouragement.