Posted on by Niño Christian Babaran
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The Director for Quality Assurance, Dr. Rolyn Catamora, and the Head of Internal Quality Audit, Ms. Florabel Canaman, represented the University at this year’s ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) International Conference in Bangkok, Thailand on September 6-7, 2023.

The ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance International Conference (AUN-QA IC) is the premier conference in the field of quality assurance in higher education within the ASEAN region with the aims to enhance the promotion and dissemination of the high-quality development practices of quality assurance in higher education and to facilitate new developments in quality assurance. The conference aims to strengthen solidarity and cooperation among the region and beyond, guided by the principles of sincerity, real results, affinity, and good faith, and with a commitment to the greater good and shared interests. Thus, the theme of this year’s International Conference is “Driving University Excellence Through Quality: Strategies, Systems, Structures, and QA in the Context of Post-Pandemic Regional and Global Cooperation”.

The two-day program consists of various keynote speakers from across the globe and insightful dialogue sessions to induce truly internationalized and valuable initiatives for the betterment of quality assurance in the ASEAN region and beyond.