In order to assess the sustainability and development of CHED-funded project of Northwest Samar State University titled, “UAV-Aided Decision Support Tool with Analytic Hierarchy Process for the Floodplain Risk Assessment”, CHED evaluators namely: Mayumi G. Belandres, OIC Division Chief, CHED-OPRKM-RMD, Adelma C. Tercia, Education Program Specialist I, CHED-OPRKM-RMD, Gely Ann B. De la Paz, Supervising Admin Officer, CHED-HEDFS, and Norin T. Espocia, Education Program Specialist, CHEDRO 8 representative visit the University.

They are warmly welcomed by Dr. Riz Rupert L. Ortiz- University Vice-President for Research, Innovation, and Extension from the airport arrival to a scrumptious lunch at the University Hotel and Restaurant. The project assessment shall cover until tomorrow, October 25.