The NwSSU research and extension team through the Office of the Extension Services conducted an immersion on the successful ecotourism organizations on December 2-4, 2023 at the home of the world’s renowned new seven wonders of nature, the Puerto Princesa, Palawan. It’s the place of the most protected areas and different community-based ecotourism organizations in the Philippines.

The team discussed with different organizations, such as the Sabang Mangrove Paddle Boat Tour Guide Association Inc., Community Park Warden Association (CPWA), Tagbinet Ugong Rock Multipurpose Cooperative (TURMPC), Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park (PPSRNP) and the Honda Bay Boat Owners Association Inc. (HOBBAI).

This activity aimed to capture the adherence of the members of the organization to the highest standards of sustainability, cultural sensitivity, and community empowerment. Their stories were invaluable in community-based ecotourism development, incorporated with best practices, innovative strategies, and effective methodologies that are aligned with international standards.