Office of International Affairs
The Office of International Affairs (OIA) takes charge of transnational educational programs in consonance with the requirements of the Commission on Higher Education and executes international faculty and student exchange programs and short-term special programs for foreign students. The office acts as the principal point of contact for international students/faculty before they arrive at the Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU).
The Office of International Affairs aspires to foster international engagement and meaningful collaborations with international partners and linkages.
To attain this vision, the Northwest Samar State University, through the Office of International Affairs, shall endeavor to: boost the institution’s international ability and visibility; build extraordinary relationships with other universities in the international arena; and develop strategic networking and collaboration initiatives.
Office Functions
- Monitor records and periodically report on past and potential agreements.
- Participate in the preparation, review, finalization and signing of Memoranda of Agreement and/or Understanding as well as follow-up and coordinate implementation of programs.
- Coordinate with Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs and foreign embassies regarding cultural exchanges, scholarships, fellowships, research associate ships, donations, etc.
- Coordinates visits of foreign delegations and academic officials as well as representatives of international funding agencies
- Coordinate with appropriate NwSSU Offices on international linkage programs
- Disseminate information on formalize linkages and provisions.
- Brief Deans, Directors, Colleges and Offices involved in such linkages with regard to mechanics to be observed, initiations and implementations
- Consult experts and resource in the formulation and preparation of proposals for internationals programs
- Implement strategies for broadening and strengthening collaborations with international educational institutions and organizations.
- Negotiate, disseminate and motor invitations for fellowships, scholarships, workshops and training program.