
NwSSU champs on Song Writing during the ASEANWave Webxhibition, Festival National Awards

Mr. Adrian M. Moslares, a BS Agriculture student of Northwest Samar State University was hailed as winner in the Song Writing Competition of the ASEANWave Webxhibition and Festival National Awards 2022. The brought accolade was

NwSSU Part-Time Instructors, Oriented

Spearheaded by the Human Resource Development Office, the part-time instructors of the universities were oriented last September 29, 2023 at the Business Development Center, NwSSU. A pre-test was administered to the participants. Among the topics discussed

NwSSU faculty members visit VSU, SLSU for Cross-Learning Activity

Fourteen (14) faculty members coming from the different colleges of Northwest Samar State University participated in the annual cross-learning activity titled, “Modelling Extension Programs and Projects from a Level-IV State University” spearheaded by the Office

Pre-Field Study Orientation of Practice Teachers and MOA Signing on Student Teaching Program between NwSSU and DepEd Calbayog

Pre-Field Study Orientation of Practice Teachers and MOA Signing on Student Teaching Program between NwSSU and DepEd Calbayog today, September 26, 2023, at the RSU Socio-Cultural Center

University-Wide Intramural Meet ’23 kicks off

Bearing the theme, “Championing Character: Embracing Sportsmanship on the field of Play,” the University-wide Intramural Meet of NwSSU officially started on September 18, 2023. At 8 a.m., the city was crowded and colored by the

NwSSU Officials Pay Visit to Congress

NwSSU officials led by University President, Dr. Benjamin L. Pecayo paid courtesy visits to members of the House of Representatives namely First District of Samar Representative, Hon. Stephen James T. Tan, Second District of Samar

Pre-Plenary Hearing on the FY: 2024 Budget Proposal of SUCs

SUC officials as well as other Members of the House of Representatives are present today, September 20 at Belmonte Hall, Batasang Pambansa Complex, Quezon City for pre-plenary hearing to brief the House Committee on Appropriations

Intramural Meet 2023

Last September, our school's annual intramurals took place, and it was a huge success in terms of entertainment and sportsmanship. A parade of athletes and students from several departments, each wearing their own colors and

CDRRMO, NwSSU ink pact to Flood Guard Calbayog

September 13, 2023- The City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO), represented by Dr. Sandro C. Daguman, CDRRM Officer and Northwest Samar State University led by Dr. Benjamin L. Pecayo, University President, inked Memorandum