
Attended by faculty, staff, and students, NwSSU University Health Center in collaboration with St. Camillus Hospital of Calbayog, conducted Seminar on Healthy Lifestyle

Attended by faculty, staff, and students, NwSSU University Health Center in collaboration with St. Camillus Hospital of Calbayog, conducted Seminar on Healthy Lifestyle, today, August 15, 8am-12 pm at Business Development Center. Among the topics


Are you a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSA) or Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (BAT) at Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU)? If you're planning to take the Agriculturist Licensure Examination in 2023, we

56th ASEAN Month Celebration Kicks Off

With the theme- "ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth", NwSSU joins the Nationwide simultaneous Flag-Raising Ceremony and ASEAN Month 2023 Kick-Off Activity today, August 7, 2023, at 7:30 a.m. After the flag ceremony, the faculty and

Vital Signs in Emergency QRT

The Vital Signs in Emergency event was held in NWSSU-SJC's Audio-Visual Hall from precisely 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Together with their organization adviser, the NWSSU Main Campus QRT members showed up early. The goal

Basic Vital Signs Taking for University First Responders @ Business Development Center, Main Campus, NwSSU


NwSSU, Samar PLGU convene for collab programs and activities

University top management officials led by OIC - University President, Dr. Ramil S. Catamora and representatives from the Provincial Local Government of Samar led by Provincial PESO Manager, Mr. John Michael Cristobal held a meeting

NwSSU, UP Center for Women’s Studies Foundation, Inc. sign MOU on UNICEF-funded project

July 20, 2023 – The University represented by Dr. Benjamin L. Pecayo and University of the Philippines Center for Women’s Studies Foundation, Inc. (UPCWSFI) represented by Dr. Excelsa C. Tongson signed the Memorandum of Understanding

Key officials, office directors, and staff participated in the first day of Operational, Budget, and Procurement Planning for Fiscal Year 2024 yesterday, July 18 at the Business Development Center, NwSSU Main Campus.


NwSSU Team joins Sustainable Tourism Dev’t Planning

Delegates from NwSSU completed the training on Sustainable Tourism Development Planning by the Dr. Andrew L. Tan Center for Tourism last July 10-12, 2023 at Asian Institute of Management, Makati, Manila. The University’s team included