Posted on by Joseph Renor Obrino
Post Views: 41

The College of Nursing officially welcomed its pioneering first-year class on September 20, 2024, with a comprehensive orientation program held at the NwSSU Business Development Center.

The event gathered the Faculty, Staff, GEC Instructors, Part-time Lecturers, the Technical Working Group (TWG), and BSN students and their parents/guardians, along with key university officials including Dr. Ramil S. Catamora, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Myra L. Pilpa, Director of Student Affairs and Services.

The orientation provided the new students with an in-depth understanding of the University’s Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Quality Policy, ensuring they are well-prepared to embark on their academic journey. Essential guidelines specific to the College of Nursing were also discussed, giving students a clear perspective on academic expectations and the resources available to them.
This orientation marks a significant milestone for the College of Nursing, signifying the launch of a new chapter in the University’s commitment to cultivating future healthcare professionals.