Posted on by Joseph Renor Obrino
Post Views: 43

Bagyong Kristine recently ravaged Calbayog City leaving some families and students displaced and struggling to recover. To support those affected, join NwSSU in supporting the victims of the recent typhoon.
We are calling for your generous contributions. Let us be “KAUGOP SAN CALBAYOGNON” by donating the following: financial assistance and canned goods/food.
For GCash/Cash Donation, you may contact Ms. Jonah Salcedo, Finance Committee Focal Person, at 09556929447.
Drop-Off Donation Venue is at NwSSU RSU Socio-Cultural Center. You may also contact Mr. Eugene Calumba, University Disaster Risk Reduction Officer and Goods Focal Person.
Your donation can make a difference. Every contribution counts!