In its bid to establish the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) Center, the Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU) underwent a series of coaching sessions under the tutelage of the Technological University of the Philippines, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, and Arellano University on February 18 to 20, 2025.
The sessions focused on essential topics such as assessment, admission, and registration procedures. The participants also shared insights on developing assessment tools and rubrics, as well as designing supplemental and enrichment tools.

The delegation team headed by the NwSSU – ETEEAP Center Director, Mr. Redem D. Tingzon, also visited the Office of Programs and Standards Development (OPSD) at the CHED Central Office where they received practical ideas on the deputization process in accordance with the relevant CMO’s and other standing policies. The meeting was presided over by Cherrie Melanie Ancheta-Diego, CESO III, the Chief of OPSD. Dr. Rhio C. Dimakiling (VP for Admin & Finance), Dr. Donald M. Patimo (Dean of the College of Management), Engr. Ryan Emil T. Zosa IV (University Registrar), Dr. Jessica C. Alorro (Program Chair, BSHM), Ms. Bevelyn A. Puerto (Program Chair, BSOAd), Dr. Rolyn A. Catamora (ETEEAP Assessment Coordinator), Ms. Ivy B. Aligam (ETEEAP Finance Coordinator) and Mr. Edward Abanilla (ETEEAP Admission & Records Management Staff) joined Mr. Tingzon in the said endeavor.

The establishment of the ETEEAP Center is authorized under Board Resolution No. 75, s. 2024, which allows the University President to pursue deputization for the ETEEAP. The program will offer Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM) and Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOAd) programs.
The CHED Memorandum Order No. 29, s. 2021 defines the ETEEAP as a comprehensive program of identifying, accessing, validating, and assigning the equivalent undergraduate level of prior learnings from formal, non-formal, and informal training and relevant work experience and completion of competency enrichment and other program requirement/s toward the final granting of appropriate academic degrees.

This program is in adherence with Executive Order No. 330 titled Adopting the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency And Accreditation Program as an Integral Part of the Educational System and Designating the Commission on Higher Education as the Authority Responsible for its Implementation, which was issued by His Excellency Fidel V. Ramos. The said EO No. 330 was aimed at “expanding and strengthening the system of academic equivalency and validation of the knowledge and expertise derived by individuals from relevant work experience and high level, non–formal training to harness their full potentials.”
The full deputization of the NwSSU – ETEEAP Center is envisioned to expand the University’s reach for strengthening the Samarnon manpower, both locally and internationally.